Palazzo Roverella, exhibition Tina Modotti: The fire of passions.

After the latest public success with over 73,000 visitors for the Renoir exhibition, Palazzo Roverella is preparing to host the usual autumn appointment dedicated to the masters of the photographic art.

This year Tina Modotti (1896/1942) is the protagonist, from 22 September to 28 January 2024, with the largest monograph proposed in Italy on this legendary photographer, curated by Riccardo Costantini with the collaboration of Gianni Pignat and Piero Colussi.

More than 200 images together with films and documents will tell the entire work, pivoting on the only exhibition she created directly in Mexico City, in 1929, where about sixty works were exhibited, over 40 of which will be present at Palazzo Roverella .

These works document how Modotti participated in the cultural liveliness of the city, frequenting the writer John Dos Passos, the actress Dolores Del Rio and becoming friends with Frida Kalho and Diego Rivera whose murals she photographs.

Tina Modotti experiments with the use of the camera, ranging from architecture to still lifes to then tell the life, the work, the daily life of the popular classes, peasants and workers, to which she felt she belonged.

Tina Modotti’s work was rediscovered at the Moma exhibition in New York in 1977 and since then her figure as an intellectual and nonconformist woman, as well as her photographic work, have been the subject of studies and insights, confirming her role as a great protagonist of the 20th century.

An unmissable opportunity not only to visit the exhibition at Palazzo Roverella, but also to spend a weekend discovering the historical and artistic heritage of Rovigo and the many nearby villages where you can find villas-palaces, large and small museums, sacred places without forgetting the nature and the flavors of land and water that the “Land between Adige-Po” can offer with taste and spirit.

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The exhibition is promoted by the Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo Foundation with the collaboration of Cinemazero and Dario Cimorelli Editore.

Info: Fondazione Cariparo