
Great Rivers

Guess which are the two major Italian rivers? We help you! The Po and the Adige.

Think about that: the province of Rovigo, or Polesine, for its entire extension is precisely enclosed between the course of the Adige to the north and the Po to the south and both, in the Rovigo coast, meet the Adriatic Sea.

In a central position between the two is the Canalbianco, the Fiume di Mezzo, corresponding in part to the ancient route of the Po di Adria.

Ancient rivers disappear or offer their beds to new waterways, giving these lands between the Adige and the Po the characteristic elongated shape that recalls, just to stay on the subject, that of a fish.

On the other hand, it is precisely the name "Polesine", which geographically identifies the province of Rovigo, which reminds us that we are in the presence of an area delimited by watercourses (from the medieval Latin: "land that emerges from flowing waters").

News ed events

Exhibitions and exhibitions among the most influential
of the national scene, sporting events, music, food and wine, art, nature, festivals and traditional events.
11 October - 9 May

Season restarts at the Teatro Sociale in Rovigo

28 September - 26 January

Henri Cartier Bresson at the Palazzo Roverella

1 September - 8 September

Rovigo Cello City 2024 – 11th Edition

5 May - 6 October

Summer: nature protagonist of the “Lands between Adige and Po”

provincia di Rovigo