The departure is from the historic center of Rovigo.The Via del Mare is one of the magnificent 5 interprovincial itineraries, which lead to the discovery of the territory of the Veneto region. Indicated with directional signs and identifiable with the abbreviation I3, the cycle path winds along the beautiful cycle path along the Naviglio Adigetto, crosses


Lusia, located on the right bank of the Adige, is known for the production of crunchy salad certified with the “PGI” (Protected Geographical Indication) denomination. In the historic center – opposite the modern parish church of S.S. Vito e Modesto, built after the destruction of the ancient church due to the bombings of 1945 –

Pettorazza Grimani

Pettorazza Grimani owes its name to the large rural courtyard located a short distance from the high embankment of the Adige, built in the 16th century by the Grimani, an important, noble Venetian family. The vicissitudes of this small town are linked, as for others in the Polesine area, to river dynamics. A plaque placed

San Bellino

The small center owes its name to San Bellino, patron saint of the diocese of Adria and Rovigo, bishop of Padua and killed nearby Rovigo in 1147. The remains of the Saint are kept inside a precious polychrome marble ark, in the seventeenth-century Basilica located in the main square of the town. The numerous villas


Crossed by the Naviglio Adigetto, the historic center of Villadose is the heart of a territory that is characterized by the particular arrangement of agricultural land, which reflects the organization of the territory in the Roman Age, the so-called “centuriation”. To find out what it is, just visit the Archaeological Museum of the Roman Centuriation located in


Entering the historic center of Villamarzana, it is impossible not to notice next to the schools, the Monument to the 43 Martyrs and the annexed Provincial Museum of the Resistance. The latter was housed in the “barber’s house” outside which, in October 1944, 43 partisans were shot. For this reason, Villamarzana is among the cities decorated

Villanova del Ghebbo

Crossed by the Adige Po cycle path, Villanova del Ghebbo develops along the Naviglio Adigetto, on whose pretty coast overlook the Town Hall and the majestic parish church of S. Michele Arcangelo. The building – dating back to the end of the 18th century – is embellished inside with frescoes by Giovanni Battista Canal and Tomaso Sciacca,