Costa di Rovigo

The historic center of Costa stands out for its elevated position with respect to the surrounding area. The reason? The little town of Costa stands on an ancient riverbed of the Adige, now occupied by the Naviglio Adigetto which crosses the historic centre. The graceful square with its harmonious shapes, amazes for the position –

Teatro Ballarin di Lendinara

On a small and charming square overlooking the Naviglio Adigetto coast, there is the Ballarin Theater, which has been restored to its former glory for some years, after being closed for over twenty years. Behind the elegant facade, there is a complex history made up of expansions, renovations and transformations. The building, in fact, has


The historical itinerary of Il Cammino di Sant’Antonio, originated in 2010 from the idea of ​​connecting the most significant places linked to the life of Saint Anthony, starting from Camposampiero in the province of Padua and arriving at La Verna in the province of Arezzo. The total route is 431 km and is divided into


The Via Romea Germanica covers almost 2,200 kilometres, starting from Stade in Germany and arriving in Rome. It crosses 3 countries, in 94 stages: 44 in Germany, 4 in Austria and 46 in Italy. Described for the first time in 1256 by Alberto di Stade, a traveling monk, the Via Romea Germanica enters the province of


A fascinating international religious itinerary which, starting from the Baltic Sea, crossing seven states, ends in the Holy City. This is the Romea Strata. Not one, but ten itineraries together, which even before being traveled by pilgrims to reach Rome, were used in antiquity, mainly for important commercial exchanges: in fact, the materials such as

Teatro Sociale di Rovigo

Located in Piazza Garibaldi, where the small convent of S. Maria dei Battuti once stood, the Teatro Sociale, or rather the “Società del Teatro” as it was called, was erected between 1817 and 1819, based on a project by the engineer from Rovigo Sante Baseggio, an expert in theatrical design. After the inauguration which took

Fratta Polesine

Fratta Polesine is a small village that amazes for the quantity of historic houses that overlook the Scortico – the canal that connects the Naviglio Adigetto with the Canalbianco – which crosses it entirely. First of all, the Palladian Villa Badoer, a Unesco property. It is undoubtedly striking for its elegant majesty, a perfect setting

Giacciano con Baruchella

Giacciano con Baruchella derives from the union carried out in 1859 of three inhabited centres: Baruchella, the major one, Giacciano and Zelo. Its history is closely linked to water and to the reclamation works carried out over the course of about four centuries, to make this corner of Polesine habitable and to boost the economy


The historic center of Lendinara is entirely crossed by the Naviglio Adigetto, which with its walkways and rivieras, give it an elegant and harmonious appearance. Since the 18th century, the city has been honored with the title of “Athens of Polesine” for the historical-architectural and artistic treasures it contains. Very rich in religious architecture, Lendinara